Comparison Between Atkins, South Beach, Weight Watchers and Zone Dieting

Comparison Between Atkins, South Beach, Weight Watchers and Zone Dieting
Are you on a particular diet plan at this moment? Did you know that many commercial diet plans may not be all that effective toward weight loss and decreasing the risk factors of heart disease? Here is what a new study revealed in a comparison between ...
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What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Too Much?
Okay, it's post-Thanksgiving and many of us are in recovery after a weekend of overeating and overindulging. To help lessen the pain of gluttony some, here is a humorous - yet informative - video on what happens to your body when you eat too much ...
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Men's and Women's Bodies React Differently to Zero Gravity, NASA Finds
Men and women react differently to long exposure to the zero gravity of space, with a resulting difference in health concerns, a study group has found. For the past 3 years, six working groups set up by NASA and the National Space Biomedical Research ...
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